As you may know, we are currently dealing with an influx of mental health needs that outpace our availability. Contact any provider and they will share with you that they are on a waitlist and have concerns about the trajectory of needs/availability of care. As such, we are partnering with others to see what RDU Therapy can do to contribute to the wellbeing of our local community. If you would like to know more about what you can do to help, please let us know.
As mental health providers, we view ourselves as in the business of serving our community.
RDU Therapy has a unique skill set and we want to put them to work, so we do. Every day we help clients in our care learn new skills so they can live the lives they want to live.
We know we can not reach the masses from our desks, so we go into the community and lead trainings, give talks, and support others.
Our providers are proud contributors to our community. Here are just some of the things we do when we aren't actively in session or brushing up our skills
If you are a mental health provider and would like to talk with us about becoming a part of the solution, contact us and we will discuss possible options.
If you are a provider licensed to work with individuals and families and are looking to join a practice like RDU Therapy, send us your resume and an email. Let's connect.
If you would like to seek consultation from RDU Therapy to improve skills or diversify your competence, let us know.
If you would like to learn more about what you can do and how you can help and are willing to donate some of your time, let me know. RDU Therapy is striving to find ways to deliver interventions to meet needs of the masses.
Stakeholders are the folks that have a vested interest in an idea. RDU Therapy believes every human is a stakeholder in supporting mental health. RDU Therapy knows that mental health can be supported by key stakeholders, consider helping where you can!
If you are a stakeholder and have an idea or an idea of a need, let RDU Therapy know. We may be able to help, or connect you with someone who can.
If you know of a resource that may be helpful to mental health, please share the information. RDU Therapy may be able to share that information out with others who are in need.
If you want to learn how you can help our community, let RDU Therapy know. If you have a need, let us know, we may have some resources or trainings.
If you are a parent or grandparent with a need or willingness to help, RDU Therapy wants to hear from you! Let's connect.
If you are a child or teen and want to get involved, that is awesome! Ask your adult to help you contact RDU Therapy.